American Buckeye Club
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It's EASY to join The American Buckeye can "CLICK" on the Yahoo Group link above to begin your "FREE" membership by simply following the directions after clicking!

If you wish to follow The American Buckeye Club on Facebook simply go to your Facebook Page and in the Search Box type "Buckeye Chickens", it's that EASY!!!

 (Buckeye Pullet - Liz Bounds)        (Buckeye Cockerel Champion American - Sydney Shumaker)


The American Buckeye Club Blog -  "NEW" ABC Blog, effective January 2012

Buckeye Chickens on FACEBOOK - Come join the Fun!!!

The Buckeye Census 2010 - Map Showing MOST of the Buckeye Breeders Geographically

Stromberg's Poultry Supplies

Tractor Supply - Poultry Equipment

USPS & Airline Approved Chicken Shipping Boxes

Kuhl Poultry Products....Seriously they are KOOL!

(Photo of Buckeye Rooster - Property of Jeffrey Lay, Crains Run Ranch)

(Phote of Buckeye Chicks 2011 - property of Jeffrey Lay, Crains Run Ranch)
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